DSC 40B – Theoretical Foundations of Data Science II

Problems tagged with "time complexity"

Problem #001

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)).

def foo(n):
    i = 0
    while i < n**2:
        i = i + 2
        j = 0
        while j < n:
            for k in range(n):
                print(i + j + k)
            j = j + 10



Problem #002

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n**2):

        for j in range(i):

        for k in range(n):

        for x in range(n - i):



Problem #003

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?

from math import sqrt, log, ceil

def foo(n):
    for i in range(ceil(n**3 - 10*n + sqrt(n))):
        for j in range(ceil(log(n**2))):
            print(i, j)


\(\Theta(n^3 \log n)\)

Problem #004

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?

def foo(arr):
    """`arr` is a list containing n numbers."""
    for x in arr:
        if x > max(arr) / 2:
        elif x < min(arr) * 2:



Problem #021

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function?

import math

def foo(n):
    for i in range(math.floor(math.sqrt(n))):
        for j in range(math.floor(5*n**2 - math.sqrt(n)/1_000_000 + 100)):
            print(n * n)


\(\Theta(n^2 \sqrt n)\)

Problem #022

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function?

def foo(arr):
    """`arr` is an array with n elements."""
    x = max(arr) * min(arr)
    if sum(arr) > 10:
        return x
        return 0



Problem #024

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function?

def foo(n):
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        j = 0
        while j < i:
            print(i + j)
            j += 1
        i += 5



Problem #030

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)).

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            for k in range(n**2):
                print(i + j + k)



Problem #039

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)).

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n**2):
            for k in range(n):
                print(i + j + k)



Problem #049

Tags: time complexity

Express the time complexity of the following code using asymptotic notation in as simplest terms possible.

def foo(n):
    for i in range(200, n):
        for j in range(i, 2*i + n**2):
            print(i + j)



Problem #050

Tags: time complexity

Express the time complexity of the following code using asymptotic notation in as simplest terms possible.

import math

def foo(arr):
    """`arr` is an array with n elements."""
    n = len(arr)
    ix = 1
    s = 0

    while ix < n:
        s = s + arr[ix]
        ix = ix * 5 + 2

    return s


\(\Theta(\log n)\)

Problem #052

Tags: time complexity

Express the time complexity of the following code using asymptotic notation in as simplest terms possible.

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i):
            for k in range(n):
                print(i + j + k)



Problem #066

Tags: time complexity

Express the time complexity of the following code using asymptotic notation in as simplest terms possible.

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n**3):
        for j in range(n):
            print(i + j)
        for j in range(n**2):
            print(i + j)



Problem #072

Tags: time complexity

Suppose bar and baz are two functions. Suppose bar's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^3)\), while baz's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^2)\).

Suppose foo is defined as below:

def foo(n):
    if n < 1_000:

What is the asymptotic time complexity of foo?



Problem #076

Tags: time complexity

The function below counts how many elements What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? Remember to state your answer in the simplest terms possible.

from math import sqrt, log, ceil

def foo(n):
    for i in range(ceil(n**3 - 10*n + sqrt(n))):
        for j in range(ceil(log(n**2))):
            print(i, j)


\(\Theta(n^3 \log n)\)

Problem #077

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?

def foo(arr):
    """`arr` is a list containing n numbers."""
    for x in arr:
        n = len(arr)
        if x > sum(arr) / n:
        elif x < sum(arr) / n:



Problem #079

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?

import math

def foo(n):
    for i in range(math.floor(math.sqrt(n))):
        for j in range(i):
            print(i + j)



Problem #090

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)).

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n**3):
        for j in range(n):
            print(i + j)
    for k in range(n):
        for l in range(n**2):
            print(k * l)



Problem #092

Tags: time complexity

Suppose bar and baz are two functions. Suppose bar's asymptotic time complexity is \(\Theta(n^4)\), while baz's is \(\Theta(n)\).

Suppose foo is defined as below:

def foo(n):
    if n < 1_000_000:

What is the asymptotic time complexity of foo?


\(\Theta(n)\) If you were to plot the function \(T(n)\) that gives the time taken by foo as a function of \(n\), you'd see something like the below:

This function starts off looking like \(n^4\), but at \(n = 1_000_000\), it "switches" to looking like \(n\).

Since asymptotic time complexity is concerned with the behavior of the function as \(n\) gets large, we can ignore the part where \(n\) is "small" (in this case, less than \(1{,}000{,}000\)). So, asymptotically, this function is \(\Theta(n)\).

Problem #094

Tags: time complexity

Suppose bar and baz are two functions. Suppose bar's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^2)\), while baz's time complexity is \(\Theta(n)\).

Suppose foo is defined as below:

def foo(n):
    # will be True if n is even, False otherwise
    is_even = (n % 2) == 0
    if is_even:

Let \(T(n)\) be the time taken by foo on an input of sized \(n\). True or False: \(T(n) = \Theta(n^2)\).

True False


This function is not \(\Theta(n^2)\). For that matter, it is also not \(\Theta(n)\). It is\(O(n^2)\) and \(\Omega(n)\), though.

This function cannot be \(\Theta(n^2)\) because there are no positive constants \(c, n_0\) such that \(T(n) > c n^2\) for all \(n > n_0\). You can see this by imagining the plot of the time taken by foo as a function of \(n\). It "oscillates" between something that grows like \(n\) and something that grows like \(n^2\). If you tried to lower bound it with \(cn^2\), \(T(n)\) would eventually dip below \(cn^2\), since \(cn^2\) grows faster than \(n\).

Problem #165

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function? State your answer as a function of \(n\) using asymptotic notation in the simplest form possible. (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\))

def boo(n):
    for i in range(200, n):
        for j in range(i, i * n):
            print(i + j)



If you count the number of times the inner loop body executes, you'll get something like \(n + 2n + 3n + \ldots + n\times n\). Factoring out the \(n\) and using the formula for the sum of the first \(n\) integers, we get \(n (1 + 2 + 3 + \ldots + n) = n \Theta(n^2) = \Theta(n^3)\).

Problem #166

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function? State your answer as a function of \(n\) using asymptotic notation in the simplest form possible. (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\))

import math

def boo(n):
    i = n
    while i > 1:
        i = i / 2
        for j in range(1_000_000):
            print(i + j)


Problem #168

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function? State your answer as a function of \(n\) using asymptotic notation in the simplest form possible. (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\))

import math

def boo(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            print(i + j)

    for i in range(math.floor(math.sqrt(n))):
        for j in range(math.log2(i), i * math.floor(math.log2(i + 10))):
            print(i + j)


The second loop looks complicated to analyze, but we can effectively ignore it. This is because the most i can ever be is \(\sqrt n\), and so an upper bound for the number of iterations made by the second loop is \(O(\sqrt n \log n)\). Since the first loop takes \(\Theta(n^2)\), it will dominate the time complexity, and we do not need to worry about the time taken by the second loop.

Problem #176

Tags: time complexity

import math

def mediansort(arr, start, stop):
    """Claims to sort the array, in-place"""
    if stop - start <= 1:

    # finds the index of the median of arr[start:stop]
    median_ix = find_median(arr, start, stop)

    middle_ix = math.floor((start + stop) / 2)

    # move the median to the middle by swapping
    arr[median_ix], arr[middle_ix] = arr[middle_ix], arr[median_ix]

    # recurse on the left and right halves
    mediansort(arr, start, middle_ix)
    mediansort(arr, middle_ix + 1, stop)

Consider the mediansort function from above. Suppose that find_median takes \(\Theta(n)\) time. What is the time complexity of mediansort?

Problem #179

Tags: time complexity

What is the expected time complexity of the following function? State your answer using asymptotic notation.

import random

def boo(n):
    # draw a number uniformly at random from 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1 in Theta(1)
    x = random.randrange(n)

    for i in range(x): # <-- note that the range is random!

Problem #180

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function? State your answer as a function of \(n\) using asymptotic notation in the simplest form possible. (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\))

import math
def boo(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n**2 + 100, 500*n**3):
            for k in range(1_000, math.floor(math.log(n))):
                print(i + j + k)


Problem #186

Tags: time complexity

Suppose bar and baz are two functions. Suppose bar's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^3)\), while baz's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^2)\).

Suppose boo is defined as below:

def boo(n):
    if n < 1000:

What is the asymptotic time complexity of boo?


Asymptotic time complexity concerns the time taken when \(n\) is large. Therefore, it doesn't matter what happens when \(n < 1000\). When \(n \geq 1000\), the time taken is \(\Theta(n^2)\), since that is the time taken by baz.

Problem #188

Tags: time complexity, binary search trees

Suppose a collection of unique numbers is stored in a balanced binary search tree, and that each node in the tree has been given a .size attribute which contains the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at that node. What is the time complexity required of an efficient algorithm for computing the number of elements in the collection which are larger than some threshold, \(t\)?

Problem #189

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)) in the simplest terms possible.

def foo(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(2023):
            for k in range(n - i):

Problem #190

Tags: time complexity

Suppose numbers is a list of integers of length \(n\). What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)) in the simplest terms possible.

def foo(numbers):
    for x in numbers:
        r = max(numbers) * min(numbers) * x

Problem #192

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)) in the simplest terms possible.

def foo(n):
    i = 1
    while i < n**3:
        i = i * 2
        for j in range(n):
            print(i + j)

Problem #194

Tags: time complexity, binary search trees

Suppose a collection of \(n\) numbers is stored in a balanced binary search tree. What is the time complexity required of an efficient algorithm to calculate the mean of the collection? State your answer as a function of \(n\) in asymptotic notation.

Problem #200

Tags: time complexity

What is the expected time complexity of the function below? State your answer using asymptotic notation.

import random
def foo(n):
    # draw a number uniformly at random from 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1 in Theta(1) time
    x = random.randrange(n)
    if x < 20:
        for i in range(n**3):
            print("Very unlucky!")
    elif x < n / 2:
        for i in range(n):

Problem #203

Tags: time complexity

What is the time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation (e.g., \(\Theta(n)\)) in the simplest terms possible.

import math
def foo(n):
    for i in range(3 * n**3 + 5 * n * math.ceil(math.log(n))):
        for j in range(math.floor(math.sqrt(n))):
            print(i + j)
        for k in range(n**2):
            print(k * i)

Problem #206

Tags: time complexity

Suppose bar_1, bar_2 and bar_3 are three functions. Suppose bar_1's time complexity is \(\Theta(n)\), bar_2's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^2)\), and bar_3's time complexity is \(\Theta(n^3)\).

Suppose foo is defined as below:

def foo(n):
    if n < 2023:
    elif n == 2023:

What is the asymptotic time complexity of foo?


Asymptotic time complexity concerns the time taken when \(n\) is large. Therefore, it doesn't matter what happens when \(n < 1000\). When \(n \geq 1000\), the time taken is \(\Theta(n^2)\), since that is the time taken by bar_2.